Reporting your child's absence from school
Should your child be absent from school, we ask that you notify the school in one of three ways -
Please telephone our absence line on 07 5510 4366 (24 hour service) and follow the prompts to leave a message
- Login to QParents and select the option to notify of an absence
- In person
Any unauthorised, prolonged absence will be investigated by the school.
If we have not been notified of your child's absence, you will receive a text message stating that your child is absent from school and requesting a reason for the unexplained absence. If you can provide a reason for an unexplained absences, please contact our office or amend the absence in QParents.
Please note all absences are recorded on your child's school record and report card.
Late Arrival
All students arriving to school after 8:55am (second bell) are to report directly to Reception to request a late slip. This must be presented to the teacher upon arrival to the classroom stating the reason as to why they are late. This is recorded on the class roll.
Collecting Early
If you need to pick-up your child/ren early, please call the office on 07 5510 4333 and we will contact the classroom to arrange to have your child sent to Reception ready for when you arrive. This causes minimum disruption to the class and decreases downtime if children are outside the classroom at the time. To ensure the safety of your child, students departing early must be collected from Reception and signed out.
Exemption for an absence greater than 10 days
Students who are absent or will be absent from school for a period of more than 10 consecutive schools days (for example: illness or family holidays) require an exemption to be approved by the Principal. Please call or visit our office to obtain an Exemption Form which is to be completed and handed back to the Office.
Compulsory Attendance
As stated in the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006, S176, Compulsory schooling: each parent of a child of compulsory school age must—
- ensure the child is enrolled within a year of schooling, other than the preparatory year, at a state school or non-state school; and
- ensure the child attends the state school or non-state school, on every school day, for the educational program in which the child is enrolled; unless the parent has a reasonable excuse.
Examples of a reasonable excuse, as defined by the Education Act, are:
- Sickness
- Temporary or permanent infirmity
- Unavoidable cause (accident)
- Fear of infection with disease